UN International Procurement Seminar

Join the UN Nordic Procurement Seminar at the UN City in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The UN Nordic Procurement Seminar offers a unique opportunity for Nordic companies to showcase their innovative and sustainable solutions to representatives from various UN agencies. Participating in the seminar provides companies with:

  • Greater visibility of their solutions within the UN system.
  • Insights into UN procurement processes and opportunities.
  • Enhanced collaboration across industries and sectors, fostering new partnerships.

The seminar is hosted by Business Sweden at the UN City in Copenhagen, Denmark, in collaboration with key Nordic partners, including Business Iceland, Business Finland, the Confederation of Danish Industry, Innovation Norway, Danish Export Association, and the Nordic UN Global Compact.

The preliminary dates for the seminar are June 10–11, 2025.

Interested in joining the seminar? E-mail your notice of interest to ask.denmark@business-sweden.se

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10 June


11 June